
How fast and reliable is our Childcare Booking system

May 5, 2022

We’ve never considered speed and reliability as a selling point of Childcare online Booking (CoB) as you assume all systems on the market are exactly that, fast and reliable.

So imagine our surprise when we’ve recently been receiving enquiries because their current childcare booking system is very slow at peak times, to the point where it is unusable.

There are a few reasons why an online childcare booking system could be slow, firstly it maybe sharing its services with other companies. Sharing your hosting service with other users is a very cheap hosting solution as the cost is spread across hundreds, sometimes thousands of other users. The second reason is that the actual program can’t process the data or number of users in a timely fashion and therefore gradually slows down or crashes. It could be a combination of both.

So what makes our Childcare Booking system fast and reliable?

We have a dedicated server connected to the internet that it used solely for running our Childcare system. As it’s dedicated all the processing power of the server is only used by our system. We also monitor page loading speed. Each page within the childcare administration system has a page load speed located at the footer of every page.

How confident are we about speed and reliability?

Our uptime is very close to 100% each year, we are constantly improving of childcare system in a live environment so there is the odd occasion when an update has caused an issue, but this isn’t related to our hosting service or the program, just a rare human error which is generally fixed within  seconds and not normally noticed by anyone (programmers are only human too!).

reliable & fast childcare bookings

Example of Page Speed Monitor

Example of speed and reliability

There is an international club that uses our Childcare online Booking (CoB), this club only takes bookings once a year, the demand for their clubs places is huge and as a result parents are on standby for when bookings are open. Once this happens thousands of parents log on to make a dash to book their children a place, the demand on the server is huge as thousands of records are processed in one go, but because we have a dedicated server and CoB is a lightweight application designed in such a way to handle multiple requests it makes no difference to speed or reliability.