We have successfully migrated The Childcare on-line Booking (CoB) system across to its new dedicated server this afternoon
We were able to limited the downtime to 28 minutes (between 15:08 and 15:36) and this was down to the testing and planning we have undertaken over the last 4 weeks in preparation for the move.
We’re delighted to give our CoB users a Valentine’s gift, as the new server will be far faster and more secure; just one more reason to choose us for your wrap around childcare booking platform!
The new server represents a massive investment that included the completion of Cyber Essentails Plus an IASME certification, which puts The Childcare on-line Booking (CoB) system head and shoulders above our competitors, as the only childcare booking platform to boast these accreditations (to date) and we are looking forward to announcing further exciting news within the next month!
We have kicked off 2019 amazingly, signing up loads of new childcare providers, including M&S’s Charity of the Year (The Dockland Settlements).